Club Competition Dates Here * Indoor Flying Dates Updated for 2024/2025
Subscription Applications / Renewals are
 due from the 1st April each year.

2024-2025 Application / Renewal Form


F3F Winter League 4th Mar 2023

I had forgotten just how far it was to walk to the NW slope, I'm sure it was nearer than this the last time I flew there! Still we made it, and with the wind more or less square on a full days racing ensued.

Given the forecast, it as never going to be ballistic, but it was better than expected I think. Some light rain now and then was an irritant but the main grumbling point was the variability of the lift.
But as usual the main culprits came to the top, and after 11 rounds the clear winner was Mark R, with Steve in an excellent second, and Rich aka Richard III, yes you guessed it, in third!! just ahead of Mark T by a mere 12 points. Now for the best bit, FTD went Jon E with a
43.86 in R8, yeeha!
Bob  also had a cracking day, finally relegating Jon to 6th place.

Well done to all.

Final results were:-

1    Mark Redsell 99408.12 1000 Device
2    Steve haley 9024.55 959 P2
3    Rich Bago 8706.90 925 FS6
4    Mark Treble 8694.57 924 Pitbull 1
5    Bob Dickenson 8314.21 884 Impulse
6    Jon Edison 8252.23 877 FS4.3

Full results here

Mark T had some new software on trial, and it worked well with the wind speed and direction now available on the Android. A few tweaks here and there and it is looking good.

Thanks to everyone for dragging the kit, and me, across the moor, and look forward to our final day on the 18th March
See you all there

F3F Winter League 18th Feb 2023

First of the Reserve dates this weekend. Weather forecast was very mixed and needed to stabilse to make a positive call possible. In the end the weather did settle, but with only a few pilots available, the competition was cancelled due to lack of numbers

F3F Winter League 4th Feb 2023

Well that were a right grand day!

Expectations were not high, but Levisham came up trumps and served up some fairly consistent air. The wind took a little while in the morning to build, but stayed more or less consistent at 6-10 m/s for the majority of the time
Only at the end of the 12 rounds did conditions start to become a tad variable, and by then all 8 pilots had had enough

So after what turned out to be some pretty close racing, Mark Redsell managed first place, Paul Upton in second, and Mike McCracken in third
FTD went to Mark R in R5 with a 40.14. Well done guys.

Results summary :-

1    Mark Redsell 10269.10 1000 Device
2    Paul Upton 10113.02 985 FS6 / Pitbull 2
3    Mike McCracken 9949.06 969 FS5
4    Rich Bago 9889.76 963 FS5
5    Peter Gunning 9831.62 957 FS6
6    Jon Edison 9617.25 937 FS4
7    Mark Treble 9541.91 929 Pitbull 1
8    Bob Dickenson 8078.35 787 Impulse 2

Full results here

Great to see everyone and for making the effort, in some cases traveling considerable distances, to join in the fun
Our reserve dates are now active.
The next WL event is the 18th Feb. Don't miss it!!

F3F Winter League 7th Jan 2023

Sadly, the weather is not playing ball, and with torrential rain outside my window as I write this, the WL event was quite rightly cancelled!

Changes to NYMRSC for 2023

Falling membership and increasing costs has caused the Club to look at how it should operate going forward. As the majority of our members were BMFA members, it made no sense to continue to carry our own insurance anymore. With agreement with the NYMPA, the Club has transfered its insurance requirements to the BMFA's insurance. This therefore makes being a BMFA member a mandatory requirement as from 1 Jan 2023. This still means Club membership is required. The NYMRSC has sole rights to fly on the Levisham Estate.

We look forward to continue providing a great flying site into the future.

F3F Winter League 3rd Dec 2022

Unfortunately the scheduled Winter League was cancelled. Wind direction of ENE neither suited either the E or NE slopes, and with light winds and chance of showers the competition was cancelled.

Very sad news, Mike Proctor a past member of the Club has died 15 Nov 2022

Mike Proctor was a very well known figure in Thermal Soaring circles, having developed the earlier eSoaring Rules, which with his persistence, ultimately became the World Championship class of F5J. His funeral will be held at St Mary's Church in Warthill on the 24th Nov 2022 at 3pm

A tribute to Mikes modeling career here

F3F Winter League 5th Nov 2022

The first Winter League of 2022 season was scheduled for the weekend. Forecast kept changing, and a good blow on the South Bowl was unfortunately accompanied by a weather front bringing in rain for most of the day, so the comp was called off!
Hopefully the next date, the 3rd Dec, will be more productive

BMFA F3F League Reserve 16th Oct 2022

Great day today, sunshine and wind what more could you want?

The day started well with 8-10m/s wind, square onto the slope,
but as the day progressed, the wind moderated a touch and swung more southerly
eventually calling a halt to proceedings at Round 12.

Still some great flying, if a touch variable, as one or two pilots noted
but if you got some good air , as I think most pilots did at some point, it was very rewarding!

Fortunately we had the minimum number of pilots for a comp, so the eventual winner with some great flying was Steve Haley, Mark Redsell finished second, and Rich came third.  FTD also went to Rich with a 37.47 in R10

1 Steve Haley 10401.44
2 Mark Redsell 10239.02
3 Rich Bago 10053.94
4 Mike Evans 9803.41
5 Jon Edison 9634.14
6 Mark Treble 9625.08
7 Bruce Hudson 9038.26
8 Bob Dickenson 7699.22

Well that's it for the league this year.
Hope your respective winter leagues prove productive

Full results here (with macros)

Elvington LMA Weekend 13th / 14th Aug 2022

That must have been the hottest temperatures that the Elvington weekend ever experienced at over 28 Deg C on both days! Phew! Saturday was the busiest day for visitors. We can only assume the high temperatures put folk off, as Sunday was relatively quiet. The highlight was the low flypast on both days by the Lancaster from the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight. Fantastic sight and sound, and boy was he low!!

BMFA F3F League Event 7th Aug 2022

Unfortunately, a poor weather forecast has put many people off from registering for the event this weekend, so the Competition was been cancelled ( a minimum of 8 required, only 7 registered ). Probably means the reserve date on the 16th Oct will be invoked, more later.

North of England F3F Eurotour 1st- 3rd July 2022

Phew, that was a hard weekend!
Light variable winds plus a sprinkling of rain adding to the mix made for some very challenging conditions. However that didn't deter the top guys, despite slow progress on Sunday, the top positions remained unchanged.

Congratulations to Mark R for a great win, Andy B for his second position, with John P holding third. Mark T's fastest time of the comp at 37.17 in R5 not to be beaten on the last day. Well done guys.

1 Mark Redsell 8399.13
2 Andy Burgoyne 8221.76
3 John Philips 8142.17
4 Mark Treble 8079.36
5 Greg Dakin 8006.11
6 Dieter Perlick 7921.1
7 Mike McCracken 7916.03
8 Armin Hortzitz 7717.42
9 Peter Kowalski 7701.88
10 Peter Hubberz 7667.7
11 Ewan Maxwell 7641.98
12 Stefan Bernardy 7641.52
13 Fritz donker Duyvis 7558.42
14 Rich Bago 7527.48
15 Mike Evans 7447.65
16 Paul Stubley 7406.47
17 Dave Woods 7345.05
18 Eric Heine 7332.63
19 Jon Edison 7319.81
20 Les Wood 7209.58
21 Mike Shellim 7144.15
22 Robert Carson 6989.3
23 Dave Watson 6798.33
24 Bruce Hudson 6784.27

Thanks to all for helping run the  show, and moving all the hardware around. Many thanks to our sponsors T9 and MKS servos.
Special thanks to Mark Treble for all his hardwork in organising the weekend and his enthusiasm throughout to keep it all on track. Well done mate!

Full Results Here

Classic Glider Day 26th June 2022

We may have been expecting to see large classic replicas of Vintage sailplanes taking to the skies over the Hole of Horcum, but forecasts of gale force winds seemed to imply that these balsawood beauties wouldn't be there. In fact we even doubted whether anyone would turn up. But 7 hardy souls appeared in the carpark including travellers from Lincolnshire and Teeside and agreed to brave the winds to walk to the flying spot.  When we got there, the wind was a consistent 20mph with stronger gusts. Jon Edison produced his Soarcerer for its' annual airing and with a bit of down it was pushed out into the strong southerly blow. It shot away up the lift elevator and he threw it around the sky. Encouraged by Jon's bravery, the other fliers launched off and once above the slope edge compression the lift was strong and smooth. The wind grew stronger as the day progressed and occasionally, gusts had us staggering around.  Hats had to be firmly pulled down or retrieved to be put in pockets.  By midday, we had had enough and so after a period of chatting, it was a sunny walk back to the car.  A fine day on the slope, great views and nothing lost or broken. The next club event is PSS. Can we expect suitable weather? That's all part of the fun of going to Horcum.

BMFA F3F Nationals 18th / 19th June 2022, Wales

The BMFA F3F Nationals were held in Wales this year. Always a bit of a trek for us Northern Folk, but generally well worth the effort despite the dire weather forecast for Saturday. However the day started bright and the course was set it, only for the clouds to descend, followed by torrential rain for the next few hours. But persistence paid off, and with a break in the rain around mid afternoon, an unexpected 3 rounds were flown before the start of the 4th round was stopped due to more rain.

Day 2 was looking better with no rain forecast and a brisk N or NE wind so once again we were on the 'VR' slope. Racing started at 10am and a further 14 rounds in some ballistic conditions were added, making a quite respectable 17 in total.

Winner was Stefan Bertschi, with some very consistent fast flying, Peter Gunning in second and Mike Evans in third, FTD went to Peter G with a stunning 28.80 in R2.

There many PB's during the Weekend, congrats to all those flyers as well

Full results here

Champion of Champions F3F Race 26th - 27th March 2022

As the Winter League Series had been poorly attended throughout the UK, it was decided that the CoC race at Horcum would be open to all, not just the top 5 from the various league series.
Unfortunately, the weather forcast for the weekend was dominated by High pressure. This resulted in a glorious spell of un-seasonably warm weather but virtually no wind. This and the poor turnout for the series resulted in only 8 pilots entering for the event,
The good news was that Saturday had a steady but light wind all day on the NE slope, which gave plenty of flying for the pilots, so much so that a record 20 rounds were recorded in the one day!
Sunday was another sunny day but with even less wind. The competition was abandoned just after lunch, and therefore the results were based solely on Saturdays score.
So Mike Evans was declared the winner, with Ewan Maxwell in second and Rich Bago in third. FTD went to Mike with a time of 47.83 in R10.

Mike Evans 17333.69 1000.0
Ewan Maxwell 16465.34 949.9
Rich Bago 16437.86 948.3
Peter Gunning 15970.65 921.4
Mark Treble 15923.12 918.6
Mike Shellim 15326.50 884.2
Dave DeMott 14994.83 865.1
Jon Edison 14959.60 863.0

Full spreadsheet here

AGM Held via ZOOM 22nd March 7:30am

Thanks to everyone who attended the AGM via zoom the other evening. I am pleased to say that we have a new Secretary. Thanks to Jonathan Shorer for offering his services. He will have a fairly busy year catching up with all the past negotiations and paperwork!. The remaining Committee Members remain as before. The good news is that Subs will also remain the same as last year ie £25 Full members, £20 Seniors and £5 juniors and Students. Application form here

F3F Winter League 19th March 2022

Lovely warm Day, blue sky and a good ESE wind around 8-12m/s. Conditions a bit variable but eminently flyable. 7 pilots took to the sky, and as usual with a such a small number, pretty hectic on the buzzers, and rounds clocking up fairly frequently.
After some great flying, Rich Bago once again come out tops with Mark Redsell a close second and Steve Haley once again in third.
FTD by Rich with a 40.62.

Rich Bago 9485 1000
Mark Redsell 9439 995
Steve Haley 9314 982
Mark Treble 9205 970
Paul Upton 9194 969
Jon Edison 8098 854
Bob Dickenson 6883 726

Nice to see Paul Upton join us, bet he was glad he did!
That's it guys for this Winter League, don't forget Horcum is hosting the CoC next weekend

F3F Winter League 5th March 2022

Yeehaa! finally we have a comp!

Forecasts improved to give a windy (13-16m/s) day with variable amounts of cloud, and some rarely seen blue sky !
Wind slightly crossed from the North and very blustery, making for an interesting day, with some terrific flying from the top guys.

With 12 rounds and approx 70 competition flights, over 30% of which were sub 40s,  Rich Bago came out on top, Mark Redsell a very close second, and a fantastic third from Steve Haley.  FTD went to Mark R with a 31.43 in R7.

Final positions were :-

Rich Bago 10608 1000
Mark Redsell 10561 996
Steve Haley 10231 964
Mark Treble 10083 951
Cengiz Philcox 7347 693
Bob Dickenson 6639 626
Jon Edison 617 58

Full results to follow

Thanks to everyone for their support, and hope you've all recovered from such a exhausting day.
See you all for the last event on the 19th March

F3F Winter League 19th Feb 2022

With storms Dudley and Eunice hitting the UK during the week, Saturday's comp was looking in jeopardy! BUT the forecast for Saturday was quite good, well a lot better than the week before that's for sure. 18mph WSW winds with predominately dry conditions for a good part of the day, the comp was called ON. Hmmm those dry conditions quickly evaporated, and whilst the morning had some good flying, the rain and predicted light winds hit around lunchtime and that was the end! Heavy snow followed making for a rather scenic ride home!! Next comp 5th March 2022

The rain forecast has been all over the place, even now it not entirely clear what rain is likely. But the one thing they all agree on is that it will be windy! showing gusts over 50mph at one point. Remember this is Levisham.
Strong winds on that slope can be tricky at the best of times, but especially when landing.

We do have another three dates in the calendar, so I'm calling this one OFF.

See you all on the 19th Feb

F3F Winter League 8th Jan 2022

Next round of the F3F WL is due on Saturday 8th Jan. Forecast is for rain all morning maybe extending into the afternoon, so sadly the competition has been called OFF! The good news is that the reserve dates now kick in so there are four more dates in which to complete the Winter League,
Next event 5th Feb

F3F Winter League 4th Dec 2021

Well, blue sky, perfect weather, sub 30 air, pb's everywhere!

Ok dream on, but its was a very flyable day, even though the forecast wasn't the most inspiring. Levisham was quite benign all day with some variability but certainly easy close in landings.

A wait at the start of the day when the supposedly WSW wind was a straight Southerly! However, as per forecast, the wind began to turn, and by lunch we were flying.
With such a small group, manning the buzzers was hectic, but everyone took to the challenge. Flying was interrupted a couple of times for rain showers, and 8 rounds was easily achieved.

Final scores saw a great win for Rich who also claimed the Horcum Challenge Cup and FTD of 42.02 in R2 Steve was  a close second, with Peter in third.

Rich Bago 6872.21 1000
Steve Haley 6802.11 990
Peter Gunning 6729.48 979
Mark Treble 6303.95 917
Jon Edison 5899.13 858
Bob Dickenson 3689.97 537

Thanks to all for your support, and look forward to seeing you all in the new year
Full results here

F3F Winter League starts 30th Oct 2021

Bad news, the first round of our Winter League this year including the Horcum Challenge Cup was cancelled due to torrential rain crossing the country hitting Horcum late morning and persisting into the afternoon. Now for the good news, the Challenge Cup has now been moved to the Winter League on the 4th Dec :-)

Very sad news, Nigel Ling our Secretary for over 20years has died

Our thoughts are with his family at this sad time. Nigel could be a very entertaining character, especially when talking about his favourite subjects, cricket and insurance ( he was a freelance marine insurance assessor ). He died of complications following a stroke. The funeral was held at Hull Crematorium, 17th Sept 2021 at 2:30pm.

Download Nigel's Eulogy Here

Welsh F3F Open 17th - 19th Sept 2021

Our usual pilgrimage down to Wales for the F3F Open Jamboree. Can be a very variable weekend weatherwise, and this year proved to be no exception. Light winds on most days with half a day on the Sunday with rain and mist. Still the social gatherings and banter can be entertaining.

Results and pictures here

BMFA F3F League 3 event 25 July 2021

Finally after all the COVID restrictions, the first of the F3F events to be held at Horcum took place this weekend!
Great day, certainly better than we were expecting.
Light winds in the morning, becoming more consistent as the day progressed.
Blue sky, and if you were lucky, a bit of thermal activity thrown in for good measure!
Some great flying, especially in those variable winds, but Mark Redsell proved the master at that, Rich Bago second and Mike Shellim a close third. FTD was a terrific 40.62 from Mike Shellim in R12

1 Mark Redsell 10671.52 - 1000
2 Rich Bago 9963.85 - 934
3 Mike Shellim 9838.79 - 922
4 John Phillips 9814.21 - 920
5 Mike Evans 9636.71 - 903
6 Peter Gunning 9489.16 - 889
7 Aleix Ingles 9394.69 - 880
8 George Young 9372.44 - 878
9 Kevin Newton 9340.65 - 875
10 Mark Treble 9219.73 -864
11 Bruce Hudson 8719.53 -817
12 Jon Edison 8431.22 - 790
13 John Treble 8376.73 - 785

Full Results here
Mike Shellim Pictures here

Thanks to everyone for helping out and making for an enjoyable day

New COVID 19 Rules dtd 29th Mar 2021

NYMRSC Code of Practice v3
COVID19 Restrictions from 29th Mar 2021

The Government is lifting restrictions as hopefully the pandemic is easing.

However, this does not mean business is back to normal. Continue to follow all government guidelines on social distancing, don't meet in large groups, and that public health and safety should remain our top priority. Therefore the Club has re-issued the following Guidelines:-

Remembers all other Club Rules still apply. In the event of conflict, these guidelines take precedent. Fly safely.

AGM Held via ZOOM 16th March 7:30am

Excellent turn out for the AGM via zoom the other evening. Many thanks to everyone who attended. The good news is that Subs will remain the same as last year ie £25 Full members, £20 Seniors and £5 juniors and Students. Application form here

New COVID 19 Rules dtd 6 Jan 2021

Regulations have been tightened following a severe increase in COVID cases. Whilst outdoor exercise is still allowed, either alone or with one other person, we are now no longer permitted to leave our homes to visit public outdoor places for the purposes of open air recreation. This means that Horcum is out of bounds for most people.Stay Safe, follow the rules!

New COVID 19 Tier Rules 22 Dec 2020

Lockdown Rules changed again on the 22nd Dec when the Government updated the areas affected by the Tier System. Model flying at Horcum ( now Tier 3 ) can still continue, but the COVID 19 Guidelines published here on the 1st June 2020 should still be followed. The maximum of 6 flyers is re-introduced. Members should follow all Government guidelines regarding restrictions for their respective Tiers. Remember, "Hands, Face and Space" Stay Safe!

New COVID 19 Tier Rules 2 Dec 2020

Lockdown Rules changed on the 2nd Dec when the Government re-introduced the Tier System now for the whole of the Country. Model flying at Horcum ( Tier 2 ) can still continue, but the COVID 19 Guidelines published here on the 1st June 2020 should still be followed, the only change being that more than 6 flyers can now meet. Members should follow all Government guidelines regarding restrictions for their respective Tiers. Remember, "Hands, Face and Space" Stay Safe!

New COVID 19 Tier Rules 2 Dec 2020

Lockdown Rules changed on the 2nd Dec when the Government re-introduced the Tier System now for the whole of the Country. Model flying at Horcum ( Tier 2 ) can still continue, but the COVID 19 Guidelines published here on the 1st June 2020 should still be followed, the only change being that more than 6 flyers can now meet. Members should follow all Government guidelines regarding restrictions for their respective Tiers. Remember, "Hands, Face and Space" Stay Safe!

COVID 19 Lock Down 5th Nov 2020

New lock down measures are in force until the 2nd Dec ( we hope! ). All organised activities at Horcum have been cancelled as per the Goverment Requirements. However model flying can still take place, but members should follow all Government guidelines limiting their meeting to one other person, and follow guidance on travel. Remember, "Hands, Face and Space" Stay Safe!

F3F Challenge Cup 20th Sept 2020

The first F3F competition since lockdown was held on the 20th Sept 2020.
Light winds and drizzle all day made for a challenging, but very enjoyable day never the less. Winds finally died around 3pm, leaving the eight pilots managing a respectable 5 rounds.
A convincing win for Peter, with Rich in second and Mark R in third,
FTD went to Peter of 45.56 in R4

Well done Guys

Peter Gunning 3940.79 1000
Rich Bago 3644.87 925
Mark Redsell 3623.56 920
Mark Treble 3567.87 905
Steve Haley 3513.48 892
Paul Upton 3507.24 890
Jon Edison 3322.67 843
Bruce Hudson 3249.59 825
Bob Dickenson 2915.48 740

Full Results Here
Nice to see a return to flying by Paul Upton, and Bruce Hudson making first prize for distance traveled. Flying was run in keeping with Government Guidelines.
A Covid19 Risk Assessment has been completed, details here

Hopefully no further lockdowns will affect the start of the Winter League on the 7th Nov 2020, see you all then.

Coronavirus Update 14 Sept 2020

As of the 14th Sept changes to the number of people who could socially meet outdoors was reduced from 30 to 6. The exception is for organised sporting events where up to 30 people can still meet, provided a COVID19 Risk Assessment is in place, plus Track and Trace details are maintained. This later exception means that Competition Flying at Horcum can resumed.

The previous Code of Practice still applies to sport flying

Coronavirus Information latest 1 June 2020

NYMRSC Code of Practice v3
COVID19 Restrictions from 1st June 2020

The Government has lifted restrictions again during the pandemic.

However, this does not mean business as usual. The Park Authority are requesting that we follow all government guidelines on social distancing, don't meet in large groups, and that public health and safety should remain our top priority. Therefore the Club has issued the following Guidelines:-

Remembers all other Club Rules still apply. In the event of conflict, these guidelines take precedent. Fly safely.

Return to Top


AGM 15th March 2020 at Lockton Village Hall 4pm

Annual AGM at Lockton Village hall. Thanks to everyone who attended. Great turnout given the unfolding Coronavirus disaster! Slight change in Subscriptions, see renewal form for details. Kev Davidson has taken on the Chairman's position after the sad loss of Mike Barker, Stephen Mettam has taken on the newsletter, otherwise business as usual. Renewal Forms Here

F3F Winter League R6 7 March 2020

Terrific day!
Forecast spot on in all respects.
Winds increasing during the day 8-10m/s during the morning, 10-15m/s in the afternoonCloudy but bright, which al least kept the sun out of your eyes, which can be a problem on the South bowl

Only disappointment is that we only had 8 pilots to enjoy the day.
Still, plenty of flying with 17 rounds completed ( could have done more, but its pretty hectic with only 8 )and some fast flying conditions

Mark R once again demonstrated his flying skills with a convincing win, Peter G some equally terrific flying in second, and Paul G not far behind in third
FTD went to Mark R with a 31.04 in R2

Thanks to everyone for keeping the show moving along at a cracking pace all day

1 Mark Redsell 14695.96 FS6.3
2 Peter Gunning 14180.63 FS6
3 Paul Garnett 14035.70 Proton
4 Rich Bago 13843.35 FS5
5 Mark Treble 13653.85 Pitbull
6 Dave Watson 12580.98 Jedi / FS4.3
7 Jon Edison 12078.04 FS4.3
8 Bob Dickenson 10477.80 Crossfire

Full results here.
Next and final WL at Horcum 21st March 2020

F3F Winter League R5 15 Feb 2020

Forecast for storm 'Denis' with wind speeds higher than the last event and 90% chance of rain makes for a fairly low probability of being able to complete the competiton. Therefore the event was cancelled

F3F Winter League R4 1 Feb 2020


With wind speeds around 20m/s, but gusts in excess of 25m/s for sustained periods ( 31.6 m/s max recorded peak), and intermittent drizzle from some distant rain clouds,  common sense finally prevailed and the eight pilots abandoned any hope of trying to get a comp in.

Having said that, some were game to try, but test flights proved that despite the wind, conditions were not that ballistic, and landing was definitely  hazardous.

So, reserve date kicks in,  the next meeting being the 15th Feb

Fingers crossed for a little less wind!!

F3f Winter League R3 4 Jan 2020

Another great day on Levisham.

Weather forecast was spot on, but the clear sky meant some careful flying around Base A to avoid the low winter sun! Westerly winds ranging from 8 - 12 m/s gave some fairly decent times, although Levisham variability was evident during most rounds.

14 pilots recorded  scores, with a welcome return from Dave Wright. Cengiz now a veteran flyer making his second event and Kyri and Tony adding to the numbers

10 rounds were completed, which gave time to pack up the gear and  gather in the carpark for the results, before the daylight faded. A great win for Peter, with Richard  Second, and Steve a comfortable Third. FTD went to Richard with a 41.57 in R10. Great Results chaps.

Full Results :-

1 Peter Gunning 8626.8 FS6
2 Rich Bago 8510.2 FS5
3 Steve Haley 8357.2 Pike Precision
4 Mark Treble 8191.6 Toxic
5 Greg Dakin 8051.5 Ultima
6 Mark Passingham 8050.5 FS5
7 Paul Garnett 8033.3 Proton
8 Mark Redsell 7964.2 FS5
9 Jon Edison 7751.9 FS4
10 Dave Wright 7103.6 Energyc
11 Cengiz Philcox 6311.3 Obsession
12 Kyri Christodoulou 6178.3 Needle 124
13 Tony Wilson 6033.6 Skorpion
14 Bob Dickenson 5197.7 Ascot

Full Spread Sheet Here

Thanks to everyone for your help throughout the day.
Look forward to R4 on the 1st Feb

F3F Winter League R2 7 Dec 2019

A great day on lovely Levisham. Weather forecast was a bit off to start, with light southerly winds, making the decision to go to Levisham looking like an mistake.
However,  patience paid off as the wind increased, and turned W, well nearly, probably WSW to SW most of the day. Wind speed peaked at around 12m/s.
As we waited for the wind to settle, we ran a Round Zero to give the 10 pilots a chance to do some trimming flights.

By Midday we had steady legal conditions, and the racing started for real. Rounds were completed in rapid succession, resulting in a total of 8 rounds before the daylight started to fade.

Consistent flying from Mart R give him a clear win, followed by Peter in second, and Mark T in third. Mark T also took the FTD with a cracking 36.20 in R3.
Great results guys.

Must mention our new recruit , Cengiz Philcox, taking part in his first F3F comp. A damaged model put him out of the last two rounds, otherwise I think he would have been a lot higher in the leader board. Well done mate!

Full results :-

1 Mark Redsell 6752.8 FS5
2 Peter Gunning 6477.06 FS6
3 Mark Treble 6289.04 Toxic
4 Paul Garnett 6095.59 Proton
5 Rich Bago 6076.16 FS5
6 Steve Haley 6073.28 Pike
7 Ewan Maxwell 6035.69 Pitbull
8 Jon Edison 5218.09 FS4
9 Bob Dickenson 4565.0 Xover / Ascot
10 Cengiz Philcox 3815.05 ?

Full spread sheet here

Thanks to all for your help and patience. See you all hopefully in January
In the meantime Happy Christmas!

Latest Drone News

Despite all our efforts to argue against Model Aircraft being classed as Drones, the Government have seen fit to introduce a registration scheme which covers Model Aircraft and Drones within the same legislation.

As from 30th Nov 2019 ALL model aircraft and Drones above 250g in weight MUST be registered. Failure to register, apart from the risk of a fine or imprisonment, could mean that your INSURANCE WILL NOT BE VALID!

It is up to all our Members to ensure that they comply with the Law. There is a fee of £9 per year, plus an online test which is designed more to impart information than to test your knowledge, so no one should fail!!

The following link will take you to the CAA Registration Page.

Note :- you only have to register once. If you have already registered as a member of another Club or organisation you do not need to register again here

If you are a BMFA member ( as many of our members are ) then the BMFA will register yourself with the CAA and you don't have to comply with the 30th Nov date. This exemption will last until 31th Jan 2020.
However to prove you are a BMFA member, you should carry your BMFA membership card with you PLUS the CAA exception letter available here :-

If you hold an 'A' Certificate, then you are also exempt from taking the online test.

Remember, stay safe, fly safe and most of all stay LEGAL!!

Northern F3F Winter league 2nd Nov 2019

The first of the Northern Winter League events was to be held on Saturday 2nd Nov. Forecast for winds moving from S to E with heavy rain by midday resulted in the competition reluctantly being called OFF. Next event is the 7th Dec 2019

Classic Slope Soaring article by Mike Kitchen Oct 2019

Mike has written an article for Aeromodeller Magazine with the aim of encouraging the building and flying of classic, all balsa, slope soaring gliders. Here is a preview of the article for Club Members to enjoy. Click here.

Welsh F3F Open & Eurotour 13th / 14th / 15th Sept 2019

Another great weekend on the Welsh Slopes. With high pressure bang over the top of the country, it was never going to be a classic event. Nevertheless enough wind and plenty of sunshine kept the show on the road. If you were lucky enought to hook up some good air you were assured of a reasonble run, otherwise good times were difficult to come by.

After 3 days and 5 rounds, the cream always raises to the top, and the eventual winner was Fernando Moro, with Peter Gunning in the closest ever finish, in second, and our own Richard Bago in Third. FTD also went to Fernando with a 40.49.

1  Fernando Moro    3790.50   1000.00
2  P Gunning          3790.44    999.98
3  R Bago             3758.61    991.58

Other Club Members were Mark Treble in 10th, and Jon Edison in 15th

Full results are here

BMFA F3F League 3 1st Sept 2019

Car mishaps aside, the 15 pilots had a pretty good day battling through the Levisham variability.Hopefully everyone had a least some good air.
The forecasters had the weather spot on. Westerly winds with a sprinklering of showers. Even though we only had three stops for rain, the speed and severity of the showers gave little time for the pilots to  dive for cover.
Hoping to manage a 10 round comp, the target was abandoned when the mother of all showers was seen developing on the horizon. So the comp was called after 9 rounds, and with fastest course clearance on record, we all headed for the safety of the cars.

The final results gave a win to Peter Gunning, Mark Redsell in second, and Rich Bago in third. FTD went to Ewan Maxwell with a 41.31 in R3. Well done guys.

1 Peter Gunning 7557.19 FS5
2 Mark Redsell 7428.08 FS5
3 Rich Bago 6935.88 FS5
4 Greg Dakin 6873.84 Pitbull 2
5 Mark Treble 6809.81 Toxic
6 Ewan Maxwell 6771.28 Pitbull 1
7 Mark Passingham 6601.45 FS5.4
8 Nigel Witchalls 6566.29 Jedi
9 Dave Watson 6376.60 FS4.3
10 Jon Edison 6369.47 FS4
11 Bruce Hudson 6330.75 FS4
12 Robert Carson 6296.85 FS4.3
13 John Treble 6233.88 Pitbull
14 Kyri Christodoulou 5988.27 Needle 124
15 Tony Wilson 5695.48 Skorpion

Thanks to everyone for their help throughout the day. Looking forward to the Welsh Open in a couple of weeks time

Full spreadsheet results here

PSS Event 14th July 2019

One day PSS event was held on the North slope in fairly light wind conditions. A number of pilots attended, but the conditions didn't suite all models, so flying was somewhat limited. Lets hope we can resurect interest in PSS and look forward to next year.

North of England F3F Open 28th - 30th June 2019

Another fantastic weekend for our Eurotour and World Cup event sponsored by T9HobbySport and MKS Servos.

With a forecast for the hottest day of the year for Saturday and wind on all three days, we couldn't wait to get started. Friday was forecast was to have light E winds moving to SE later in the day. As a result we only managed 2 rounds on the East Slope before the SE winds caused us to move to the South slope for 1 more round.

Saturday was a more productive day, on the South slope again, 6 more rounds were added in a scorching 28deg C temperatures, and a surprising bland southerly wind without the lift the temperature would suggest.

Sunday was on Levisham in stonking Levisham air, saw the grand total of rounds increased to 15 despite the earlier finish of the last day. Fortunately the temperature had dropped to a more comfortable 18 Deg C, and Levisham was a great leveller, the top 20 pilots all had a normalised score of 900 and above.

With the lead changing each day, Peter Gunning finally took the top spot, with John Phillips in Second and Mark Redsell in Third. Mark also took the FTD of a fantastic 32.83 in R12. Congratulations to the winners and to everyone for some stunning flying throughout the weekend.

The Full Results were :-

  1 Peter Gunning 11730.89
  2 John Philips 11687.79
  3 Mark Redsell 11656.67
  4 Dave Woods 11613.27
  5 Stefan Bertschi 11323.93
  6 Mark Treble 11314.48
  7 Rich Bago 11277.98
  8 Clayton Landells 11247.19
Pike Precision
  9 Mike Evans 11094.67
Jazz / Pitbull 2
  10 George Young 10991.86
  11 Stefan Bernardy 10926.18
  12 Arjen Van vark 10818.10
  13 Tony Livingstone 10808.93
  14 Brett Larrett 10754.45
Caldera R / Jedi Space Lift
  15 John Treble 10725.71
Pitbull 2
  16 Rick Ruijsink 10686.02
  17 Eric Heine 10654.36
PitBull 1
  18 Andy Burgoyne 10611.11
PitBull 1
  19 Keith Wood 10605.01
  20 Paul Garnett 10573.72
Proton / Noodle
  21 Mike Shellim 10528.29
  22 Dave Watson 10519.11
  23 Graeme Mahoney 10516.81
PitBull 2
  24 Paul Stubley 10455.87
  25 Bruce Hudson 10281.38
  26 Les Wood 10244.94
PitBull 2
  27 Nigel Witchalls 10106.80
Fosa Lift
  28 Jon Edison 9864.99
  29 Robert Carson 9600.95
  30 Bob Dickenson 8576.56
  31 Jason Bioletti 8250.69
  32 Dave Rumble 8099.75
  33 Maria Freeman 7269.62
Precision 2

Team positions were:-

Smoggies 34212
All Stars 32568
Wooden Shoes 32398
Bonkers 32161
Scoobies 31685
Mickleson Massives 31305
GIFGOF 29425

Spreadsheet Here

Thanks to everyone for great weekend and for shifting all the gear on and off the slope each day. Mark T for organising the event, and John T for his flagging system which magically turned everyone into Buzzer Supremo's

Classic Glider Event 16th June 2019 ( SAM35 Report Here )

Great day on the South Bowl. Good selection of traditionally built gliders. Dave Hughes Soarcerer, Ken Binks 'Suzy Que' and others. Brisk Southerly winds didn't deter pilots from flying what were Rudder / Elevator models. Superb prize of a SunSpot Glider kit donated by Belair, went to Phil Green for not only his gliders but for his 'Retro' radio control outfits as well ( Link Here ).

The next retro soaring event is Ivinghoe Nostalgia Day, at Ivinghoe Beacon, Saturday 14th Sept 2019, Post code is LU7 9DJ

However, if that is too far to travel, we look forward to another event at Horcum next year. Here are some photos of the day.

F3F Champion of Champion Event 30th - 31st March 2019

The Champion of Champions event, the culmination of all the F3F Winter Leagues around the country, was held at Horcum over the weekend. 20 pilots spent 2 days enjoying glorious weather in one of the most picturesque places in the country,
Despite the light winds, 8 rounds were completed before the wind became too variable to continue. The final results was a win for the ever popular Mike Shellim, second went to Rich "Mr T9" Bago, and third to Mark "Shirt Sleeves" Treble. Mark T also took the FTD for the weekend with a 45.20 in R7. Great result guys, well deserved.

Full placing here :-

Mike Shellim 6571.27 1000.00
Rich Bago 6435.86 979.39
Mark Treble 6391.40 972.62
Mike Evans 6354.41 966.99
Mark Redsell 6337.28 964.39
Peter Gunning 6281.47 955.89
George Young 6227.25 947.64
Ewan Maxwell 6216.26 945.97
Paul Garnett 6194.35 942.64
Keith Wood 6074.33 924.37
John Treble 6018.43 915.87
David Woods 5959.78 906.94
Nigel Witchalls 5933.02 902.87
Andy Burgoyne 5923.33 901.39
Dave Watson 5912.89 899.80
Paul Stubley 5912.86 899.80
Brett Larrett 5905.50 898.68
Bruce Hudson 5756.04 875.94
Jon Edison 5450.94 829.51
Bob Dickenson 5159.49 785.15

Full spreadsheet here

Thanks to everyone for making it a great weekend and look forward to the next get together

AGM 17th March 2019 at Lockton Village Hall

Annual AGM at Lockton Village hall. Thanks to everyone who attended. Subscriptions remain the same for 2019 / 2020, as does the Committee. Renewal Forms Here

Final F3F Winter League Event 16th Mar 2019

This is it before the Champions of Champions Event on the 30th / 31st March at Horcum.
All the Winter Leagues qualifiers from around the UK descend on Horcum to determine the Champ of Champs for the Winter League Series

F3F Winter League 2nd Mar 2019 Results

Well, turned out nice again!

Problem was which slope should we be on?
SW winds are betwixt and between Levisham and the South Bowl

However it didn't really matter for the first few hours, as Horcum was shrouded in mist
So in the intervening period, the forecast  and actuals could be well studied and debated.  Result - South Bowl!

Ten pilots set up camp on the South Slope, and with the mist beginning to lift, flying finally got under way at 11am. Winds were surprisingly square on for most of the day, but the bowl will 'straighten' up the flow even though the wind could be crossed.

6 to 12m/s wind speed at the start and end respectively,  resulted in a nearly a third of all flights being sub 40's. After a surprisingly variable days flying, and 15 rounds, the eventual winner with some terrific flying was Mark Redsell. In a close second was Peter Gunning with some equally inspiring flights, and third was Steve Haley , also with some quick flights, so much so , that Steve took FTD with a 33.20 in R12.

Full results here

Mark Redsell 12711.88 1000
Peter Gunning 12571.99 989
Steve Haley 12270.18 965
Mike McCracken 12074.96 950
Paul Garnett 11531.39 907
Rich Bago 11330.66 891
Mark Treble 11258.09 886
Jon Edison 10853.58 854
Ewan Maxwell 10774.73 848
Bob Dickenson 9025.43 710

Full Spreadsheet Here

Thanks to all for shifting kit up and down from the car park
and running the show during the day

Next and final Winter League is on the 16th March

F3F Winter League 16th Feb 2019 Results

South Westerly winds meant we were going to compromise on slope choice as the direction falls between the South bowl and Levisham. However there were sufficient west in the direction to make Levisham work reasonably well. With 10-20mph there was potential for some good racing.
Only 7 pilots managed to attend for various reasons, but with support from all, flying was fairly continous, but to ease the frantic efforts to keep the bases manned, breaks in flying were made every five rounds, and with 15 rounds completed a good days racing was had by all.
Final results were in first place was Mike McCracken, second Rich bago, and third Steve Haley. FTD went to Mike of 37.53 in R9

Full results are ;-

1 Mike McCracken 12189.78 1000.00
2 Rich Bago 12175.25 998.80
3 Steve Haley 12009.27 985.19
4 Mark Treble 11383.77 933.87
5 Jon Edison 10963.74 899.42
6 Marie Freeman 10506.36 861.89
7 Bob Dickenson 4192.65 343.94

Full Spread sheet is here

Thanks to everyone for keeping the show running

F3F Winter League on the 2nd Feb 2019 is Cancelled

Forecast wind speeds of 15 - 25mph and NW direction were OK, but a weather warning down the east coast for snow and ice, possible fog / mist and below freezing temps was the ultimate put off! Goods news is the next WL is only 2 weeks away

F3F Winter League on the 5th Jan 2019 is Cancelled

Forecast for 7 - 8mph WNW winds is a bit on the low side, especially for the likes of Levisham which is not the tallest of ridges. Ideally 10mph is the lowest figure to give a sporting chance of a good days flying. With a High pressure slap overhead, the prospects of an improvement in the forecast looks slim and hence the comp was cancelled.

F3F Winter League at Horcum 1st Dec 2018

Unfortunately the competition has been cancelled. Weather forecast showed a day of rain, mist, and fog over the hills. With such a scenario it is difficult to envisage completing a competition, so the day was called off

First F3F Winter League at Horucm 3 Nov 2018

Well that was a bit breezy to say the least! Some great flying in what were quite gusty conditions. Wind was square on to the South slope and averaged 16m/s throughout the day

The day started with three consecutive sub 40's and the trend continued with nearly half the flights being sub 40, throw in a couple of PB's ( Ewan and Steve  that I know of ) and at the end of the 11 rounds, I think one could say the 17 pilots had a good day!!

Congrats to Mark R for his win, Greg D in second and Peter in third. A stunning FTD went to Steve with a 31.22 in R8

Result Summary as follows :-

Mark Redsell 9652.05 1000
Greg Dakin 9488.54 983
Peter Gunning 9399.20 974
Rich Bago 9349.29 969
Steve Haley 9324.55 966
Mike McCracken 8987.34 931
Paul Garnett 8985.13 931
Ewan Maxwell 8831.01 915
Greg Lewis 8788.69 911
Mark Treble 8748.42 906
Mark Passingham 8601.94 891
Dave Woods 8576.28 889
Nigel Witchalls 8061.88 835
Dave Watson 7916.21 820
Robert Carson 7860.52 814
Bob Dickenson 6923.58 717
Jon Edison 1600.25 166

Full spreadsheet to here

PSS is back at Horcum 22nd - 23rd Sept 2018

Weather forecast was not too good, and that put folks off attending. Saturday was a lovelly day, winds a bit on the light side but Levisham was an easy slope to get to with all the models. Fair turnout on Saturday, but Sunday was a dissapointment. Weather much better than forecast with winds on the NE slope, but lack of flyers meant the event was called off. Shame as a lot of effort was put into the organisation. Hopefully next year will be better.

Welsh F3F Open and Eurotour 31st Aug - 2nd Sept 2018

A great social gathering as well as a hard fought flying comp. A great weekend, weather was kind to us with flying taking place on all three days. Winds were light and variable, but that just added to the unknown of who was winning and who wasn't! The GBRSRA AGM took place as usual on the Friday night, details to be found here.
So after 14 rounds the man in front with some terrific flying was Joel West,well done mate, second place went to Mark Treble, with John Philips third. FTD went to Stu Wallace for a 'cracking' 38.17 in R2.

Mike Shellim was voted 'the most improved pilot of the year' by GBRSRA members, and was presented with his trophy by Mark Treble.

Full results here
Mike Shellim photos here

BMFA Power Nationals, Barkston Heath, 25th - 27th Aug 2018

A great spectacle of modeling activity for all forms of power models. The Glider Nats are held over the same weekend, but at the new BMFA site of Buckminster. My hopes for good weather over the weekend was ill founded. Saturday was good, but Sunday was a washout. . I attended the Swap meet on Sunday morning. Footfall was badly down compared to other years. Shame really, as a lot of effort goes into this event. Oh well, here's to next year!

Elvington LMA Weekend 11th / 12 Aug 2018

Forecast at the beginning of the week was looking dire. After all that great weather we have had, Elvington looked doomed, doomed I tell you! But never trust a weather forecaster. The predictions improved all the time, and by the weekend Saturday was a cracking day, and even the rain forecast for Sunday petered out into a damp squid. Although overcast, it was not the washout predicted. Hope everybody who went had a good day

North of England F3F Open 22nd - 24th June 2018

What a fantastic weekend for our Eurotour and World Cup event. Blue sky, blue sky and you've guessed, blue sky! The only problem with all that blue sky was it didn't come with any wind!. Well it did, just a bit, but it was variable in strength and direction, as the whole of the UK was under a huge High Pressure system. Of the three days, Friday looked the best day, but the variability allowed us to scrape in only 2 round of competition on the NW slope. Saturday, again on the NW, we managed only 1 round, and Sunday we all had written off as the worst day with the least wind forecast. But how wrong can you be. The South Bowl came up trumps, with most consistent wind of the whole weekend. Another 3 round was added to our tally, making for 6 in all. We would have liked more, but hey, it was legal as only 4 rounds are needed for it to count.

So congratulation to Sebastien for first place, Keith in second, and Phillipe in third.
FTD went the Erik Heijne with a 40,57 in R1

Results were :-

1 Sebastien Lanes 4807.82
2 Keith Wood 4794.88
3 Phillippe Lanes 4592.91
4 John Phillips 4500.80
5 Erik Heijne 4488.46
6 Aubry Gabanon 4483.34
7 Stefasn Bernardy 4416.13
8 Peter Gunning 4407.73
9 Ewan Maxwell 4350.07
10 Mike Shellim 4342.54
11 Mark Passingham 4314.33
12 Dave Watson 4248.11
13 Andy Burgoyne 4199.17
14 Mike Evans 4196.19
15 Arjen van Vark 4166.56
16 Mark Treble 4135.38
17 Rick Ruijsink 4073.93
18 Herve Dall'ava 4073.68
19 Greg Dakin 4054.62
20 Paul Stubley 4009.68
21 Jean luc Foucher 3988.07
22 David Woods 3968.36
23 Nigel Witchalls 3941.06
24 George Young 3936.38
25 John Treble 3926.56
26 Brett Larrett 3903.96
27 Jon Edison 3732.49
28 Aleix Ingles Elias 3588.21
29 Graeme Mahoney 2318.57
30 Maria Freeman 1238.78

Team positions were:-

France 13884.07
Tea Swillers 12869.75
Smile & Wave Boys 12534.56
Bonkers 12405.04
All Stars 12404.48
Team NL 8655.02
Netherlands 8490.06
Cassoulet 8061.75

Thanks to everyone for their patience whilst waiting for the wind and your help shifting all the gear. Mark T for organising the event. Graeme, Brett and John T for buzzer supremo's.

Full results here

BMFA F3F League 1, 22nd April 2018

After a difficult decision at the start, with the wind due to turn from S to W during the day, which slope should we start on?. Levisham for W or Horcum main bowl for the S.

Well, we talked about it for that long, that in the end the decision was made for us - LEVISHAM!

And that proved to be a good choice. Slightly off at the start, but by the time the rain hit, it was a full Westerly. An hour stoppage for the weather, meant only 2 rounds completed by 2pm ( one round lost ). But the rain cleared, the wind picked up and another 7 rounds completed.

Some really nice conditions as well as the usual Levisham variability, saw Rich Bago storm into the lead, Steve Haley in second, and Peter Gunning in third. Well done Guys. FTD went to Rich with a 35.51 in R8.

1 Rich Bago FS5
2 Steve Haley Pike Precision 7307.70
3 Peter Gunning ? 6990.40
4 Mark Treble Toxic 6921.93
5 John Philips Redshift 6825.38
6 Greg Dakin Redshift 6816.33
7 Mark Passingahm Redshift 6613.41
8 Ewan Maxwell Pitbull 6575.86
9 Jon Edison FS4 6570.50
10 Mike Evans Jazz / Shinto 6445.11
11 Brett Larret Fosa 6385.67
12 Dave Watson Jedi 6369.74
13 Nigel Whitchalls Ceres / Pitbull 6362.02
14 Mark Abbott FS4 6361.80
15 Mike Shellim Needle 116 6142.39
16 John Treble Pitbull 6090.59
17 Bob Dickenson Ascot 5631.74

Many thanks to John Treble for Buzzer supremo, Mark T for Cd'ing, and to everyone for helping with the kit etc.

Full spreadsheet here


ps. well done to Brett for a round winning PB of 38.63 in R7

Membership Renewals are now Due.

Hope you all continue to suppoprt the Club in 2018.
Application / Renewal Forms are here

NYMRSC AGM 18th March 2018, 4pm Lockton Village Hall

For the first time in the Clubs history, bad weather resulted in the AGM being cancelled. We were unable to get a quorum of members, and so the meeting was cancelled. In the meantime, notes taken at the previous Committee Meeting where we discussed the items for the AGM, have been added as 'Club Newsletter 90' for information

F3F Winter League R7, 17th Mar 2018

Unbelievably, a second blast from Siberia is due to hit North Yorkshire on the day of our last Winter League Comp. With bitterly cold Easterly winds and more snow on the forecast, the comp was declared OFF. So ends our Winter League series for another year. Many thanks to all who supported us, and look forward to a sunny ( and breeezy ) year ahead.

F3F Winter League R6, 3rd Mar 2018

Well the "Beast from the East" as the media called a spell of severe weather coming in from Siberia, put paid to any chance of running a comp on Saturday. Not only was there a fair amount of snow at Horcum, travel around the UK was also a problem. The competition was cancelled. We are now left with the last reserve date of the 17th March.

F3F Winter League R5, 17th Feb 2018

Well, a good day once we started flying, but we had a long wait for the mist to clear. Don't trust a weather forecaster, especially one which predicted a breezy sunny afternoon.

Just as we were giving up, the cloud suddenly lifted and there followed a frantic scramble to put the course up again and re-rig models.
We finally got the first round started at the very late hour of 15:15. 
With aim of just getting the minimum rounds in, conditions remained stable enough for us to squeeze in a total of 7 in the 2 hours of daylight remaining

So the 8 pilots finally got to enjoy the delights of light winds on the South Bowl, with Peter Gunning coming out on top, Ewan Maxwell in second, and Rich claiming third. FTD went to Peter with a 50.68 in R1. Well done guys.

Peter Gunning 5856.670 1000.00
Ewan Maxwell 5743.860 980.73
Rich Bago 5663.460 967.01
Steve Haley 5615.110 958.75
Mark Treble 5435.270 928.04
Dave Watson 5419.990 925.43
Bob Dickenson 5015.220 856.32
Jon Edison 1784.240 304.65

Full results here.

Thanks to everyone for helping with equipment, buzzing duties etc and look forward to the next event on the 3rd March


F3F Winter League R4, 3rd Feb 2018

The forecast for Saturday was for very little wind, variable direction, and chance of some rain. The comp was called off - an easy decision for once!
However, now the good news. As we have lost two events, then BOTH reserve dates kick in. So the next event will be 17th Feb, followed by 3rd March and finally 17th March

F3F Winter League R3, 6th Jan 2018

Great day! Weather forecasts were spot-on, with 20-25mph NE winds, occasional showers and bitterly cold. However I had enough clothes on, that I felt like a well trussed Chicken on Gasmark8! Wind dropped as the day progressed, but never-the-less, the 8 pilots managed a respectable 12 rounds before dusk descended and we marched, well staggered, back to the carpark.

A welcome return of Mark Redsell showed he had lost none of his flying skills, with a decisive win, with Greg Dakin in second and Rich Bago third. FTD also went to Mark with a 34.33 in R6 .

Final position were :-

1 Mark Redsell 10734.92 1000
2 Greg Dakin 10570.10 985
3 Rich Bago 9767.87 910
4 Steve Haley 9453.62 881
5 Mark Treble 9233.51 860
6 Mark Passingham 8837.69 823
7 Bob Dickenson 7788.62 726
8 Jon Edison 7700.70 717

Congratulations to the top three, and many thanks to everyone for your help
Next event on the 3rd Feb 2018

Full Results Here

F3F Winter League R2 2nd Dec 2017 Cancelled!

With a great start in November to the WL, to expect December to come up good as well was probably asking too much, and indeed it was! High pressure off to the west of the UK dominated the weather pattern for the weekend with light winds forecast to continue right into the following week. As a consequence, R2 of the WL was called off.

F3F Winter League R1 4th Nov 2017

First Round of the the Northern Winter league got off to a slow start due a band of rain crossing the area during the morning. It finally cleared to give an almost clear blue sky for the rest of the day, but left with a wind that couldn't make its mind up whether it was W, NW or WNW. Levisham site with a WNW location is not ideal, but we did get a rather ponderous 5 rounds in, making for another interesting Levisham experience. However the conditions appeared to favour Steve Haley who had his first F3F WL league win, well done mate. Peter Gunning Second with Greg Dakin Third. FTD also went to Steve with a 46.90.

The Full results were :-
1 Steve Haley 3953.68 1000 Pike Perfect
2 Peter Gunning 3736.41 945.04  
3 Greg Dakin 3720.17 940.93  
4 Rich Bago 3618.48 915.21 FS4/FS5
5 Mark Passingham 3511.04 888.04  
6 Dave Watson 3346.78 846.49  
7 Ewan Maxwell 3276.44 828.70  
8 Mark Treble 3235.04 818.23 Toxic
9 Mike McCracken 3208.73 811.58  
10 Jon Edison 2891.77 731.41 Extreme
11 Tony Hollings 2319.87 586.76 Sunbird

Thanks to everyone for their support, and look forward to Round 2 on the 2nd Dec 2018

Full results here

BMFA F3F League 5 1st Oct 2017

The last of the BMFA Summer League event at Horcum has been cancelled due to poor weather forecast. Usual naff forecast by the MetOffice! - Rain no where near as intense or as prolonged as predicted.

Welsh F3F Open Eurotour and World Cup 15th - 17th Sept 2017

Another great weekend down on the Welsh Slopes. Weather forecast was not too promising, Friday had a few showers, Saturday was a lovely day, but just no wind, and Sunday was similar to Friday. Overall the 48 pilots flew eight rounds with the following results :-

1st Inaki Elizondo
2nd Fernando
3rd Rich Bago

FTD was 35.39 by Inaki.

Great result for Rich, this is the second time this year he has been the highest placed UK pilot in a UK Eurotour - well done mate!

Additional report together with his usual high standard of photography,
Mike Shellim report and photos here

Full Results here

BMFA Nationals 26th - 28th August 2017

Terrific weekend weatherwise, probably the best for some years!. Didn't appear to be as many spectators there this time, certainly the 'bring and buy' which I sold some items at, did seem quiet by comparison. The trade stands were also down in number. But the flying was up to standard, with the 'show line' well attended. The Silent Flight Nationals were held at the new Buckminster site. This is a great venue, but despite being 43 acres is small by comparison to Barkston; two glider comps per day is about as much as it can take.

BMFA F3F L4 13th Aug 2017

Event cancelled due to poor wind forecast. History will show whether that was a good call, but XC forecast on the Friday evening prior to the event showed little wind, and from a constantly changing direction!

North of England F3F Open 30 June - 3 July 2017

Fantastic weekend, one of the best flying sessions we have had for some time. Forecast was looking like Friday would be our best day, and Saturday and Sunday would be bright but with no wind.

Friday started badly with heavy mist on the NE slope allowing only 2 rounds to be completed before the wettest of wet drizzle descended upon us.

Saturday started bright with the predicted light W winds which meant we were now on lovely Levisham, and things just got better and better from there. The wind built during the day, the sun shone and the flying became ballistic. 8 hours and 8 rounds later the flying stopped, food,drink and bed beckoned.

Sunday, much the same, but the wind had shifted slightly to WNW, which for Levisham was not a good direction. Any north in the wind makes the hill very variable, or should I say more variable, and so it was. Launching into bad air was like making progress in treacle, but good air meant hanging on as things were about to get ballistic. Another 6 rounds completed before the early finish to allow everyone to make a start for home, made for a grand total of 16 rounds over the weekend.

Final positions gave a win for Dieter Perlick for his very consistent flying through all the variability, followed closely in second by Rich Bago with some terrific flying, and Greg Dakin in third with some equally impressive flights. Rich took FTD with a 35.37 in R10

Photo links :- Mike Shellim here

Full Results here.

Results Summary :-

1 Dieter Perlick 12632.78
2 Rich Bago 12469.39
3 Greg Dakin 12310.22
4 Simon Thornton 12214.96
5 Peter Gunning 12137.64
6 Peter Kowalski 12130.63
7 Stefan Bertschi 12054.78
8 Frank Holtz 11843.11
9 Graeme Mahoney 11735.51
10 Tony Livingstone 11633.23
11 Mike Evans 11552.55
12 Stefan Bernardy 11458.44
13 Martin Drewett 11457.83
14 John Philips 11442.48
15 Torsten Herman 11392.03
16 Mike Shellim 11344.69
17 Keith Wood 11263.01
18 Mark Treble 11211.38
19 Rick Ruijsink 11105.52
20 Paul Stubley 11088.59
21 Dave Watson 10953.17
22 Arjen Van vark 10875.24
23 George Young 10853.78
24 Ewan Maxwell 10703.58
25 Jon Edison 10594.70
26 Les Wood 10321.69
27 John Treble 10270.27
28 Mick Walsh 10244.73
29 Nigel Whitchalls 9678.94

Team Positions were :-

1 Mickeys Massive GB Simon Thornton Peter Gunning Stefan Bertschi 36407.56
2 SAF Dieter Perlick Peter Kowalski Torsten Herman 36155.66
3 GIGGOF Graeme Mahoney Tony Livingstone Martin Drewett 34826.79
4 Netherlands Stefan Bernardy Rick Ruijsink Arjen Van vark 33439.44
5 Bonkers Mike Evans Paul Stubley Les Wood 32963.02
6 All Stars Mike Shellim Mark Treble John Treble 32826.52
7 Tea Swillers Greg Dakin John Philips 23752.83

Many thanks to everyone for helping with carrying and setting up the equipment. Special thanks to our two Buzzer Supremos, of John Treble and Ewan Maxwell, and to Mark T and Rich for CD'ing and manning the center.

Model Engineering Exhibition Doncaster 12th-14th May 2017

This annual gathering has moved from Harrogate to its new location in Docaster. Not so many aircraft this year but the usual engineering stuff, but can't help thinking the big traders are getting fewer and fewer. Did any of you make it?

Champion of Champion Race 1st / 2nd April 2017

The annual challenge between the various Winter Leagues series was held last weekend at Horcum. A great two days were had by the 15 pilots. The Saturday being the more productive day with 9 rounds completed on the South Bowl before the wind did a complete about turn and the menacing looking clouds which had formed behind us suddenly let rip. A bit of a soggy walk off the hill to say the least!

Sunday was not expected to be any good due to the light variable winds forecast, but in fact we managed another two rounds on the NE ridge before the wind deserted us completely.

The final results were a great win for Greg Dakin, crowned Champion of Champion, with Simon Thornton in second, and Rich Bago just a few points behind in third. FTD went to Greg with a stonking 39.80 on the first day.

Final positions were :-

1 Greg Dakin 9511.76 1000
2 Simon Thornton 9222.22 970
3 Rich Bago 9150.96 962
4 Graeme Mahoney 8966.33 943
5 Ewan Maxwell 8869.79 933
6 Peter Gunning 8733.30 918
7 Tony Livingstone 8676.43 912
8 Mark Treble 8435.64 887
9 Jon Edison 8229.27 865
10 Dave Watson 8138.45 856
11 Mick Walsh 8054.44 847
12 Mike Evans 7924.24 833
13 Nigel Whitchalls 7691.66 809
14 John Treble 7418.45 780
15 George Young 7163.58 753

Full spread sheet here

Thanks to Simon for organising the day, John Treble for Buzzer Supremo, and to everybody for mucking in and help to carry the gear and run the show.

AGM 19th March 2017 at 4pm in Lockton Village Hall

Annual AGM at Lockton Village hall. Thanks to everyone who attended. Subscriptions remain the same for 2017 / 2018 but rising costs mean there WILL be an increase next year. Committee remains the same. Renewal Forms Here

Northern Winter League 18th March 2017

Well I can quite understand why we had such a low turnout.

The weather forecast never stood still. Certainly when we arrived at Levisham, the wind was all over the place, and it looked like we were to be denied a comp. Still ever hopeful and with an improving forecast, the 6 pilots stuck it out until lunchtime, when the wind direction became more consistent although the strength began to drop.

However, 10 rounds later we were all happy bunnies to have produced a result, even though at times the flying was pretty variable.

Results were, Greg in first, Rich in second and Mark T in third. Mark also managed the FTD of 41.22

The Full results were :-
1 Greg Dakin 8624.85 1000 Jedi
2 Rich Bago 8418.30 976 FS4
3 Mark Treble 7993.83 927 Toxic
4 John Tideswell 7736.75 897 Arsen
5 Jon Edison 7456.38 865 Extreme
6 Bob Dickenson 6800.29 788 Xover

That's it for another Winter League.

Champion of Champions in a couple of weeks time at Horcum

Northern Winter League 4th March 2017

The Northern Winter League on Saturday 4th March was called OFF. The rain showing on earlier forecasts moved off into the North Sea, leaving only clouds and light winds behind. The prospect of standing around on the slope waiting for the wind to pick up didn't appeal, but in the event even the clouds dispersed leaving a gradually increasing wind of 10-12mph by mid afternoon.

Northern F3F Winter League 18th Feb 2017

Phew that was close in the sense that it nearly didn't happen!

Thick fog, or to coin a phrase 'clag' persisted on the South Bowl all morning. Current Met Office forecast was for it to stay all day, so things were not looking too good.

A deadline of 1pm (ish) was agreed upon. If the fog didn't lift or at least show signs of lifting by then, the comp would be called off.

The great news was the fog did lift and we were on the first round by 1 o'oclock. 11 pilots managed 8 rounds in the few hours of reasonable wind and daylight left. Whilst the conditions remained misty, a steady 8 - 10m/s SSW wind did allow for another close competition. Greg once again showing his dominance, Mark R in second and Steve in third. FTD went to Paul Garnett in 39.74 ( the only sub 40 of the day ). Nice to see Paul after what must have been a 2year absence!

The final results were :-

1 Greg Dakin 6766.91 1000 Jedi SpaceLift
2 Mark Redsell 6629.60 980 FS4 / 5
3 Steve Haley 6566.06 970 Pike Precision
4 Paul Garnett 6392.11 945 Xfire 2
5 Mark Treble 6357.97 940 Toxic
6 Rich Bago 6343.39 937 FS4
7 Mike McCracken 6198.86 916 FS4.3
8 Jon Edison 5796.76 857 Extreme
9 John Tideswell 5676.39 839 Arsen
10 Bob Dickenson 5553.30 821 Xover
11 Brian Johnson 3978.44 588 Alex XXL


Thanks to everyone for their patience and for helping with running the show.

Next event is the 4th March

Northern F3F Winter League 4th Feb 2017

Terrific day on the slope! The 4th Round of the Winter League was greated with a good SSW brease and largely sunny day if not a tad chilly!. However the 8 pilots enjoyed the day, managing 12 rounds before the wind finally died.

Some great flying to be had, with Greg Dakin coming out on top, Rich Bago second and Peter Gunning third. FTD also went to Greg with a 35.90 in R6

1 Greg Dakin 10682.54 1000 Jedi Spacelift
2 Rich Bago 10210.88 956 FS4
3 Peter Gunning 10012.15 937 Jedi
4 Mark Treble 9631.13 902 Toxic
5 Steve Haley 9469.90 886 Pike Precision
6 Jon Edison 9058.46 848 Extreme
7 Bob Dickenson 7432.14 696 Xover
8 Brian Johnson 635.51 59 Alex XXL

Fifth Rounds of the Northern Winter League is scheduled for the 4th Mar but due to the fact that we have missed 2 events, the reserve dates now apply. These are the 18th Feb and 18th Mar.

Full results here

Northern F3F Winter League 7th Jan 2017

Third round of the Northern Winter league is scheduled for this coming weekend. Weather forecast all week had not been looking great. Unfortunately things didn't change, and the forecast for Saturday was for wind speeds less than 7mph. As this is less than the 'legal' speed rquired for F3F the comp was called OFF.

Northern F3F Winter League 3rd Dec 2016

Second round of the Winter League has been called OFF. Forecast is for winds speeds of only 2-4mp caused by a High pressure system slap over Horcum.

Northern F3F Winter League 5th Nov 2016

Well that wasn't too bad. The predicted showers did materialise, and despite being very heavy, were generally short lived. Never-the-less every round had at least one stoppage for rain, and the air between could be a bit tricky as well.

However the 9 pilots did managed 5 rounds on the NE slope before the wind swung too far west to continue, and with the prospect of more heavy rain to follow, a hasty retreat to the carpark was made before the next down pour.

Some great flying was had especially in the earlier rounds, with Greg coming out on top, followed by Mark R, with Steve in third. FTD went to Greg with a 37.51 in R1

Final positions were :-

1 Greg Dakin 3954.72   1000
2 Mark Redsell 3746.28 947
3 Steve Haley 3656.82 925
4 Peter Gunning 3607.59 912
5 Rich Bago 3600.76 910
6 Mark Treble 3106.69 786
7 Dave Watson 2898.77 733
8 Jon Edison 2832.13 716
9 Bob Dickenson 2546.52 644

Full spreadsheet here

Thanks to everyone for their support, and look forward to next time on the 3rd Dec

World F3F Championships 2nd - 9th Oct 2016 Denmark

The UK team is Martin Newnham, Mark Redsell, Simon Thornton.  John Phillips is the Team Manager.  Terrific performance from the team. Variable conditions towards the end of the comp just didn't go in favour of our guys. Great effort non-the-less.

Individual Results :-

1 Thorsten Folkers 20833
2 Helge Borchert 20542
3 Pierre Rondell 20202
  UK Team Members :-  
7 Mark Redsell 19580
17 Martin Newnham 19300
29 Simon Thornton 18686

Team Positions :-

1 Germany 60745
2 France 59263
3 Denmark 57757
4 Austria 57709
5 UK 57567

For full info, including a map of the slopes with details and photos and the list of pilots here.

Welsh F3F Open 9th / 10th /11th Sept 2016

Usual three day jamboree down in a partly sunny Wales was its usual gathering of flyers with great banter and serious competition. Three different Welsh slopes on the three days made for one of the closest comps I have known for sometime!

49 Pilots managed an amazing 13 rounds over the three days. To avoid losing a round due to weather, R2 was Group Scored with the flying split into 3 Groups.

The final top three were :-

1 Alvaro Silgado 1000.0  
2 Inaki Elizondo 994.8  
3 Greg Dakin 989.24  

Fastest time of 30.31 for the weekend going to Greg Dakin in round 3
Club Member Positions :-
8 Peter Gunning 964.08  
9 Mark Treble 954.27  
10 Rich Bago 952.2  
31 George Young 888.19  
32 Ronnie Lampe 885.23  
35 Keith Wood 874.06  
39 Jon Edison 865.41  

Full results here

Friday evening was the GBSRA AGM, followed by a curry evening on Saturday, and yes the drive home on the Sunday night was its usual slog!

Links to other reports :-

Mike Shellim

BMFA F3F Nationals 20 / 21 Aug 2016

Yet again we find ourselves faced with a dire weather forecast for the weekend. After all the great weather we have enjoyed so far, as soon as we are due to run a competition, the weather gods throw the very worst at us, and bring in a stonking low pressure to liven things up.

Well, we should not have worried, the forecast for lots of rain didn't materialise, and the 15 pilots who braved the forecast were presented with an absolutely brilliant weekend.

Thirteen rounds completed on Saturday ( OK one round was lost due to rain, but that was all ) and a further 10 rounds on Sunday making an unbelievable 23 Rounds for the weekend. How good could it get. Saturday saw wind gust on the South Bowl approaching 25m/s, providing some very fast flying, whilst Sunday on Levisham provided the variability that only Levisham can provide.

After all that, the results were, Mark Redsell was the winner, Peter Gunning in second and Rich Bago in third. Fastest time of the w/e went to Mark R with a 32.73. Well done guys, terrific two days.

1 Mark Redsell 20253.58
2 Peter Gunning 19682.54
3 Rich Bago 19139.89
4 Mark Treble 18890.45
5 Graeme Mahoney 18222.79
6 Tony Livingstone 17997.76
7 Ewan Maxwell 17955.29
8 George Young 17794.59
9 Dave Watson 17236.26
10 Paul Stubley 17199.30
11 Mike Shellim 17094.34
12 Andy Burgoyne 16962.58
13 Jon Edison 16454.98
14 Ron Lampe 15041.71
15 Brett Larrett 1485.82

Many thanks to T9Hobbysport and MKS Servos will once again sponsored the event, to Mark Treble for CDing, and everyone for their help in shifting equipment and mucking in with the self managed buzzing.

Full details here. Thanks to Mark Redsell for producing the spreadsheet
Pictures and report here from Mike Shellim

Watch found at Levisham Aug 20 2016

Updated 25 Aug.
Watch owner has been re-united with his timepiece!!
Many thanks to Michael Terry for his efforts.

Received this message from one of our members :-

"We were flying at Levisham on Saturday and had parked at the end of Braygate Lane.  As I was unpacking the car I found a man’s watch in the grass where we park.  It looks like it has been there for a while but has cleaned up and is still working. I was wondering if anyone had reported losing a watch up there or if you could mention that one has been found.  It would be nice to returned it to it’s rightful owner".

If anyone has lost a watch or has any information please give me a call

BMFA F3F Reserve and League Event, Horcum, 25th / 26th June 2016

Well that was a frustrating weekend weather wise. Saturday forecast was for very light variable direction winds, the comp was cancelled on that basis and the forecast proved to be spot on: Saturday was not flyable. Sunday forecast was not a great deal better but at least had more potential, until that is the Met Office issued a warning for heavy rain all day Sunday, at which point we cancelled the Sunday comp as well. Now if ever a forecast was wrong it was this one. No rain, in fact a bright sunny day, and by tea time a strong, 30mph+, westerly had developed.Frustrating or what! Sorry Guys, lets hope for better next time.

BMFA Heavy Lift Challenge, Elvington, 11th / 12th June 2016

I finally managed to attend and help at the event this year. This is an initiative run by the BMFA for some years now, and is open to Colleges and Universities, to design, build and fly, a model aircraft to achieve one or more of 3 challenges. These challenges are 1, to transport as many tennis balls as possible, along a predetermined flight path, in 10 mins. 2, to fly a very large block of balsa around a course, completing as many laps as possible, in 8 mins, and 3, carry up to 4Kg of water ballast, again along a prescribed flight path. Some terrific model creations, some more successful than others, but great fun and determination from all the Teams. Oh and I should say, all this with an electric powered aircraft with a specified motor, 40A speed controller and 2200mAhr 3cell LiPo. Now there's a challenge!!

Model Engineering Show Doncaster 20th to 22nd May 2016

As you can see from the title, the show has moved from its original location of Harrogate show ground to its new and permanent (?) residence at Doncaster Racecourse. Unfortunately I wasn't able to attend this year, but a report from an engineering colleague advised me that it was pretty much business as usual. I know the Harrogate Model Aircraft Club didn't exhibit this year, but there was still a good selection of models aircraft on show I'm told.

F3F Champion of Champions 2nd / 3rd April

As previous years, the Winter League Fly-off was held in not so sunny Wales the first weekend in April. Forecast as usual deteriorated the minute we set off on the the long journey South! The rain which was supposed to clear first thing Saturday morning, now persisted in more sense than one, into the afternoon. However when it did clear, it was a glorious Spring Day, with a steady SSE wind. The 27 pilots managed a busy 5 rounds before the wind swung too far off the slope to allow flying to continue. This gave plenty of time to head back down to Bridgend for the traditional Curry in the center of town.

Day two, again not so bright, mist on the hill and rain to come. A decision to move to another slope known as the Crest, brought groans from the assembled pilots, as this meant a fair walk ( 1mile app ) to the flying site, which didn't please all.
Never-the-less the course was set up and flying got under way at around 11am. Two more rounds with a break between for rain were completed, before the darkening clouds suggested we got off the hill whilst it we were still reasonably dry.

The eventual winner was Simon Thornton, retaining his title he won last year, Peter Gunning second, and Martin Newnham third. FTD also went to Simon with a 34.75. Another socially excellent weekend with a spot of flying thrown in for good measure can't be bad.

Simon Thornton
Peter Gunning
Martin Newnham
Other Club Members :-
Mark Treble
Dave Watson
Keith Wood
Rich Bago
George Young
Jon Edison
Mark Redsell

Well done guys, and thanks to all those who made it happen

Full results here

F3F Winter League 19th March 2016

The final event of the 2015 / 16 calendar had similar conditions to the previous comp, ie Northerly winds, 5 to 9m/s ( 10 to 20mph ) but with the added distraction of drizzle at the start. Fortunately that cleared fairly soon to give a steady but overcast day. As usual with only 7 pilots, a hectic day ensued, with frequent breaks to gives pilots time to recover from flying and buzzer duties. Never-the-less, 15 rounds were achieved.

Winner was Mark Redsell, hotly pursued by Mark Treble, with Rich Bago in third. FTD went to Mark R with a time of 37.85 in R9

Mention must also be made for Tony Hollings, competing in his first F3F comp with a sub 2m model. Giving him a win in his class ( being the only 2m competitor! ) and a great day out. Well done Tony.

1 Mark Redsell 12712.84
2 Mark Treble 12618.16
3 Rich Bago 12270.95
4 John Tideswell 11124.58
5 Bob Dickenson 9869.09
Ascot / Xfire
6 Jon Edison 9856.20
7 Tony Hollings 7578.74
Sun Bird

Many thanks to everyone for their help. looking forward to the Champion of Champions race in Wales on the 2nd / 3rd April

Full results here

AGM 13th March 2016 at 4pm in Lockton Village Hall

Annual AGM at Lockton Village hall. Thanks to everyone who attended. Subscriptions remain the same for 2016 / 2017 but rising costs are putting pressure on for an increase. Committe remains the same as last year. Renewal Forms Here

F3F Winter League 5th March 2016

Well we have a second result. Forecast was spot on, NE winds, well NNE actually, 5 to 15 m/s (11 to 33 mph approx ) lots of blue sky, with a sprinkling of showers. 15 rounds with 9 pilots makes for a hard day. By the time we finished at 4:30, we were well and truly cream crackered, despite a break for lunch and another for afternoon tea ( without the china tea service of course! ) .

Very close at the top, with Mark R taking top honours, Rich B a very close second and Peter G not far away in third. FTD went to Mark with a cracking 30.59.

1 Mark Redsell 12270.83
2 Rich Bago 12144.05
3 Peter Gunning 12116.42
4 Mark Treble 11666.32
5 Steve Haley 10796.93
6 George Young 10791.64
Pike Precision
7 Ewan Maxwell 10718.12
8 Jon Edison 9139.98
9 Bob Dickenson 8711.51
Ascot / Xfire

Full results here.

Thanks for everyone for formulating their own buzzer manning regime and all the help shifting the gear on and off the slope, much appreciated.

Next and last round is the 19th March

For Sale Item

Skylark 4 scale soarer 5.2m span. detals here

F3F Winter League 20th Feb 2016

At last a result!! Forecast looked half decent, with WSW winds anywhere between 13-33mph but with a risk of showers. In the event the wind forecast was pretty much spot on, although it did swing SW and decline as the day went on, and as for the showers, one sprinkling around midday which hardly affected us as we had broken for lunch! Only disappointment was we could only muster 8 pilots, and one of them dropped out before the start. However we managed 15 hectic rounds in Levisham's usual variable conditions.

Results were Mark Redsell first, Rich Bago second and Steve Haley third. FTD went to Rich with a cracking 33.73 in R11.

1 Mark Redsell 12659.41
2 Rich Bago 11699.55
3 Steve Haley 11625.97
4 Mark Treble 11187.05
5 Ronny Lampe 10350.26
6 Jon Edison 9250.53
7 Bob Dickenson 6356.93

Well done guys and thanks to all for mucking in. Nice also to see some new faces with Steve and Brian calling in.

Next event is the 5th March 2016

Full results here

F3F Winter League 6th Feb 2016

I hardly dare mention we have a F3F Winter League event this coming weekend in case the weather gods hear me! But Hey Ho, what the heck. Fourth round of the Northern Winter League is this Saturday the 6th Feb. There done it, throw your worst at us!!
Well it did! Rained ALL day and I mean rained. The comp was cancelled, yet again.

F3F Winter League 9 Jan 2016

Fingers crossed that out of this present rain and gloom we may actually get a good day next Saturday. Hmmm, who's betting? Well bet no more, the comp was cancelled after the forecasters showed a band of rain across the region between the morning and early afternoon. As it worked out the afternoon turned out bright with clear skies, contary to all forecasts.

F3F Winter League 5 Dec 2015

Oh dear, not looking good! High winds with gusts of over 50mph forecast and likely to be at Levisham ( SW winds ) probably makes the day un-flyable. We have tried Levisham before with high winds ( see report for Jan 2015 ) so unless something dramatic changes with the weather we aint going flyin' this weekend!

F3F Winter League 7 Nov 2015

Great start to the new season NOT! A band of rain is forecast to hit Horcum between 9am and some time after Midday on Saturday. What bad timing. Rain late, rain early, but not rain over the morning period. With shortening days, the best part of the day are the mornings. Sadly the Comp has been called OFF.

Updated April 2023

YORK INDOOR FLYERS ( Sept 2024- April 2025 )

Sandburn Hall Golf Club (Tykes), Post Code YO60 7RB.
Sunday Mornings 10:00 to 12:30,
Bar and Refreshments Available.

These meetings are for both Fixed Wing and Heli's.
BMFA Membership required

8th, 22nd
6th, 20th
3rd, 24th
1st, 15th
Closed 16th Dec to Jan 31st
2nd, 16th
2nd, 16th, 30th


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Club News updated 12th Oct 2024

News letters, Competition and meeting reviews. Please note that there is a password required to view the Club News Letters which is available only to Club Members.